Politicians do not want you to know they cannot solve the problems in Washington. They know it, and they hope you won't figure it out.
Politicians cannot make the changes that are required to turn things around. They cannot balance the budget. They don’t even talk about repaying the $15 trillion we owe. We can bang our head against a brick wall again and again, and it will always hurt. We can send politicians to Washington election after election, and they will always fail. Or we can tell them to Get Out Of Our House – our House of Representatives.
The solution is to elect leaders who do not care about getting re-elected, do not care about keeping their party in power, and do not care about rewarding those who funded their campaign. GO has a way to make this happen.
Consider this point carefully: politicians cannot afford to alienate voters. If they do, they cede power to the other party.
Politicians will not pass the 28th amendment that has been circulating for years because it would reduce their power. They will not pass a Fair or Flat tax because it eliminates their ability to reward special interest groups. They will not abolish organizations like the Department of Education because they do not want to alienate teacher unions. They will not seal the borders because they fear offending Hispanics. They will not reform campaign financing because they need millions of dollars to get re-elected. They will not cut spending because it will cost votes. Politicians cannot, will not, do what must be done.
Both parties claim spending cuts will harm the economy, but what has increased spending accomplished? Each party has championed massive bailouts, yet the situation has only deteriorated. The two sides are gridlocked over $60 billion of cuts in a $3.5 trillion budget; that’s like a dieter debating whether or not to eat the last two M&M’s in a one pound bag!
Why do we keep sending the same people to Washington? 94% of the politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives will again be re-elected if we do not do something different. GO offers a solution.
Our members will be choosing a candidate to compete in each congressional district in 2012. For the first time ever, Americans will have an honest chance to replace the entrenched politicians. Please get everyone you can to join our movement and elect true representatives of the people who will do the work that must be done.
If you are willing to help lead the effort in your locale, please reply to this note with your state and district.
In Liberty,
Tim C
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