However, if people won’t stand together to be counted, we will be like the dirty, grass covered snow man in my front yard this last winter. You’ve seen it, just enough to snow to make a snowman but not enough to make it right. If people won’t go to and join the movement, then we won’t have enough people to make the change necessary.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to look at the occupants of the House of Representatives with respect again instead of disdain, disrespect and distrust? Wouldn’t it be nice to know how your Representative is going to vote on every major issue of the day, because he/she has already documented how they believe on all of these issues? Won’t it be great to actually vote for someone because you believe the way they do, rather than “Well he isn’t the other guy so I guess I’ll vote for him?”
GOOOH brings all of these things to pass. Help bring the needed change to Washington . Let’s change the politicians. As the old saying goes, “Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason, they are dirty.”
Go join
Not only are they dirty but they are "full of it".