GOOOH Mock Session in Houston, TX

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Pledge my Allegiance to Action - Not Promises

“We Pledge” …“We Promise”… “We Vow”… How many times have we heard these words come out of politicians’ mouths, to later find ourselves disappointed and let down?  Throughout the course of history men and women in the position of power and government have been telling us what we want to hear; like America is some half-crazed bitchy wife who needs to be placated and consoled. “Don’t worry honey, I’ll change. I promise I’ll be better.” Well we aren’t talking about taking out the trash or late nights at a strip club. The future of our country and the rights of our people cannot be swept under the rug like some cheating husband’s empty promises. So while we appreciate your effort and what you are trying to say, we – as Americans - can only offer this one response:

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Under what I can only assume is the guise of trying to regain power from the Democrats in the House, the Republicans released their "Pledge to America" today. I want you to take a moment, click on the link and read this “Pledge” if you haven’t already seen it.

Looks familiar doesn’t it? Seems like someone found a GOOOH flyer and thought, “Hrmmm…this makes sense. I need to use this somehow…” Almost like someone has been “listening” to us all along. We can only dream right? These concepts and “promises” that they are speaking of are not new.  The way I read it, it was almost like they were telling me that they just came up with this themselves:

“Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course.” (Source: Pledge to America)

Really? Wow…I had no idea.

“An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of many” (Pledge to America)

Well it’s nice to know you have realized your mistakes and that you need a serious attitude adjustment. The first step to recovery IS admitting that you have a problem, so hopefully we can all keep up with you while you’re going through your 12-step process.

I know this "Pledge" was intended to give us hope that they have identified some necessary reforms. One could look at this and think, “Wow! They are on my side! They know how I feel! They understand me and want to make a change!” Maybe they do, but as of right now I can only look at it through cynical eyes and wait to see how they will back it all up.

In my opinion I think Tim Cox should sue them for copyright infringement or at least have them start promoting GOOOH. According to the messages within this “Pledge”, Republicans and GOOOH members should be sitting in a circle holding hands singing Kumbaya. If that is the case, if Republicans believe that this country is due for an extreme home makeover, then by all means let’s join forces and make it happen.

Oh but wait. I don’t think these Republican “patriots” want to give up their positions of power so easily. Do you think they want to hand it all over to us; the people they claim should stand up to the government and demand a change? No way Jose, not in their lifetime! So while I do not encourage you to take the Republican’s “Pledge” and toss it into the trash immediately, I will encourage you to not be blinded by more empty promises to finally step-up and become the leaders that we always hoped and dreamed that we would have.  While the words are nice and pretty and may sing us to sleep tonight, I only hope it isn’t complete smoke up our You-Know-What’s.

“The need for urgent action to repair our economy and reclaim our government for the people cannot be overstated. With this document, we pledge to dedicate ourselves to the task of reconnecting our highest aspirations to the permanent truths of our founding by keeping faith with the values our nation was founded on, the principles we stand for, and the priorities of our people. This is our Pledge to America (Pledge to America)

We all agree. That is why we have joined GOOOH.

We have made our own Pledge to America, to ourselves, to our families and to future generations. As GOOOH members we vow to fight for the rights of the people and for our voices to be heard. We vow to bring down corruption and greed in the highest forms of government. We vow to not stand down until our goals have become our reality. We vow to look back at this time in history and stand proud for what we have accomplished because we will accomplish our goals with honesty, integrity and veracity.

We aren’t going anywhere so GOOOH out and find your local GOOOH chapter. Get involved. Do not let anybody think that they can make changes to our government without our say so in the matter. Visit today and pass the message onto your family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Page 17 of the pledge:
    "Republicans launched a first-of-its-kind web platform called America Speaking Out to engage directly with the American people and allow them to establish a dialogue with their members of Congress. We will continue this groundbreaking transformative effort to give people a voice in real time with their government. We recognize that if we are truly committed to addressing the American people’s highest priorities, the House of Representatives must operate differently – differently from the way Democrats do now, and differently from the way Republicans did in the past. Change Begins at home."

    OK, if change begins at home, from the ground level, then why are they writing manifestos in Washington DC? Is it even fathomable that restorative change will come from the already corrupted? Is it not more logical that the change that begins at home must needs develop at home? GOOOH has grown from the home level, and its organic and logical methodology is, to me, much more sensible than thinking than those who breathe the air in that rarified envirionment called DC will be able to successfully pull of real and sustainable reform.


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