GOOOH Mock Session in Houston, TX

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Lights! Cameras! Action!"

Yes, the lights have finally come on! I’ve seen signs that the population is awakening from its slumber...a little, especially the young! Some cameras are rolling. You have witnessed the wonderful YouTube videos by alert citizens who are really exposing the scams presented to us by our Congressmen. Thank God for the Internet to counter the obviously biased media of our times.

There has even been some action. An example is the recent demonstrations at the various Federal Reserve Buildings. There has been some criticism of that sudden movement that related to the “mixed purposes” for the demonstration, in a seemingly incoherent manner.

I take that in general as a good sign, interpreting the overall message as “We are disgusted with our government’s obvious distain for the people!” Specifically, they mean: The collusion between corporations and Congressmen, the total flouting of the laws in the basic Constitution, the unwillingness of Congress to control the budget (the House’s responsibility!), the unwillingness of Congress to impeach Presidents acting in disregard to the Constitution, and the list goes on ad nauseam.

Yes, this is a good sign that “We the dead have awakened” (paraphrasing Tolstoy). But where do we go from here? I know a lady in East Tennessee who is a true patriot that admonishes her friends (including me) for lack of constructive action when she says: “Enough of the rah, rah, rah. It’s time to strike where it hurts!” She doesn’t mean with a sword.

My wife had a girlfriend in high school days that was always wringing her hands and mumbling “What to do? What to do? What to do?” She eventually committed suicide. Is that our fate? Are we going to sit by and watch our Leviathan government bring us all down in their lust for greed, power, and world domination?

Please, don’t tell me it will be all OK if we just “reform the parties.” Don’t be one of the few who are still rubbing their eyes, still not quite awake. There can be no denying now that we are ALL (Liberal, Libertarian, Conservative, Whatever) in deep trouble, and that what we have been doing IS NOT WORKING! Take action...NEW action!

Join GOOOH ( Get your friends to join too. Like Ulysses, put wax in your ears when you pass the island of the sirens singing their sweet song “You know that will never work.” Form your own group, put aside your past “loyalties” and join the thousands that have already committed to vote the incumbent career politician out of office. You won’t regret it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"...if you can keep it" Can we?

It has been said that a woman asked the following question of Benjamin Franklin as he exited the last session of the framing of the Constitution: “Mr. Franklin, what sort of government have you given us?” The following words were attributed to him as his response: “A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it!” Whether or not this is fact or myth, his answer almost rings the Liberty Bell again in a call for action today.

Well? Can we? Within the first 80 years of our new country factions began to develop, which began to “divide” these United States of America. This culminated in a war in America, which has gone by many names: “Civil War”, “War Between The States”, “The War of Northern Aggression”, and “The War of Secession”. The names don’t matter. What does matter is that citizens of our country could not resolve their differences in a peaceful manner, and fought a war over those differences.

Because of that failure to resolve differences peacefully, the structure of our government changed with several amendments after the war that created a new philosophy that the Federal Government is “superior” to the States and the citizens in them, putting dampers on the concepts of Creator/created, and consent of the governed. This “superiority”, combined with the current 2-party system of running our legislative branch, has left the ordinary citizen feeling helpless to do anything about the warning from Franklin. That warning implied that the responsibility for keeping the government as our Founding Fathers intended was totally ours, We The People.

But what to do now that it is so out of control? Actually, we still have the same tool that our Founding Fathers gave us in this Republic form of government. They gave to us a House of Representatives whom we put in office. And, they gave that House some amazing tools as checks and balances on the other two branches of our government. So, why are we in such a mess today? This is because the two “factions” refuse to use those tools, shirking their sworn duty to impeach Presidents who act in unconstitutional actions such as conducting wars without a declaration from Congress and failing miserably in controlling the finances of the government. So why don’t we use the vote we were given and kick them all out of office for not doing their duty?

Aaaah! Now we get to the heart of the matter. It is because WE have allowed ourselves to be divided into factions also! How many times have Liberal minded people wagged their finger at someone who is considered a Conservative in a manner that suggests “I’m right!”? Not happy with that last sentence? That’s no problem. Reverse the Liberal-Conservative words in the sentence. It is the same problem, but different people. Let’s face it. There are no two people in all 50 states that agree 100% on all issues. So do we continue to gang up on each other and try to find ways to “whip the other side”? I would submit that we look at the results of that mode of operation. Hmmm? Not too good, right?

There is a solution. Why don’t we put aside all those differences, sit down with ALL the people in a District, and put someone in office that will “best fit” the desires of ALL the people in a District? What does “best fit” mean? That’s for YOU to determine, but for sure, it should NOT be a Party-1 or a Party-2 candidate, as they are the cause of the mess we are in today.

The solution is GOOOH. Get Out Of Our House. It is a citizens’ process for nominating non-party candidates by answering questions about ISSUES, and comparing them to the answers of the prospective candidates. All it takes is YOU to make it work. Check it out. Form a group in your District and rid our Congress of people who refuse to respect our desires, and act as true representatives of the people. The “best fit” he or she is out there. Find that person!

Robert Humphries